It could happen to any of us. For years we have been neglecting medical tests and doctors, not paying attention to ourselves, and on top of that we have inadequate and poor quality sleep, stress, and worries. Do you find yourself like this? And then, when you least need it, you can suddenly become very ill. What should we do in such a situation?

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You have probably heard these words on TV. It is provided to those who do not have sufficient income or assets. In order to receive this benefit, they must meet a minimum standard of living. This is the minimum income that the governmentrecognizes as being sufficient to cover a person\’s living expenses within a month.
The calculation is based on the minimum cost of living. This is then compared to the income of all personsliving in a given household. Income includes wages, pensions, business income, alimony, and unemployment benefits. On the other hand,what is not included in incomeare, for example, scholarships, housing allowances, mobility allowances, and special assistance allowances. Living allowance

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is an allowance for those in need. This allowance is paid when, after all expenses are deducted from income ,there is not even enough money left to live on. It is paid repeatedly as long as the hardship continues. Eligibility is assessed on a case-by-case basis based on statements and facts.

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Emergency relief is a one-time benefitprovided immediately . The official then evaluates the individual or family\’s situation and determines the amount to be provided. This assistance is generally intended for citizens affected by natural disasters (e.g., floods), but may also be provided for school or children\’s education (camps, school children\’s clubs, etc.) or for household equipment (refrigerators, washing machines, stoves). This allowance is also provided to those who are trying to return to a normal lifeafter having been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, prison, or foster home .

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