The fact that virtually every company has its own website has become completely normal. But few people think about why it is worth it. After all, these are additional costs for both the operation of the server itself, and the […]
What is the difference between different types of Internet connections
People often ask what the difference between these two terms actually is. There is often confusion and ignorance about what the two are and how to actually turn them on, especially among older generations who have not dealt with this […]
Do I need a website?
Want a website? A website is quite nice, and if you have a business it is great to be able to put it on the web. In today\’s fast-paced world, a store doesn\’t have to be just a physical store […]
Differences between KDE and GNOME
Linux and its distributions run in different graphical environments. But always the above are used; some Linux users don\’t even know what environment they have; for those who still believe that Linux is in the kitchen, I\’ll try to write […]
Internet and Food
The Internet brings many advantages to our lives, but also many disadvantages. But let us look at its positive aspects, which make it easier for us to do much of our work and endeavors. One of its pluses is its […]
Creating a Web site
To get a website up and running, you need the right program to create it. Some of the most common ones include – Wix. – Webnode . – Atom. – Weebly. – Shopify [11 Of course, these are just a […]
Change has come
. Those days are long gone, but one can still find the occasional paper treasure. But that is more often than not at Christmas or Easter. No wonder. Postcards have become more expensive, and no one comments on postage. It […]
Usnaděuje nám webčivot.
Web má mnoho zastáncý. Panuje názor, že díky nmumu máme lepší, pohodlnjjší život. Co si o tom myslíte vy. V díívjjších dobách,pokud Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers ncoco chtlili tak Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers museli jít ven,jít nakoupit obchodu,zajít […]