I remember my first love. I will never forget the first time I fell in love. It was truly beautiful and I told myself that I wanted to experience the beauty I experienced the first time all over again. I […]
Our Love
Love is really important to many people. In my opinion, love is a truly beautiful emotion. It is obvious that love is not just one thing. You may ask why I think love is not just one thing. For example, […]
v lásce se podlamují kolena
Byly jste zamilovaní? Jámúla jednu svoji lásku,jmenoval se Petr. Byl štíhl., vysok,, blonďat、, moc m p pititahoval. Kdył jsem ho poprvé spatłila,tak jsem bylałplnł v sedmém nebi,protołe se mi podlomily kolena. Jeho tváš byla jako andël. Jeho rty, úsmvv byly […]
How to develop self-love?
Self-love and the ability to develop it for oneself is an increasingly big issue today, especially since many adolescents struggle with considerable dissatisfaction with aspects of their appearance, personality, and surroundings that they cannot change or are easily influenced by. […]
What is love?
A certain sense of attachment to a partner, it “forces” us to give him everything we can. but watch out! It is not an exchange of “something for something” as many think, but an act of good will in which […]