Lifelong Love

Love is a gift we receive in life, and it is up to us how we use it. Lifelong love need not be a mere relic or utopia. If we want to experience a lifetime of love, we must engage […]

Falling in Love Big

Do you think love is fleeting? If you think so, you might want to look into the Senior Center. When I worked there as a temp, I noticed that if there are partnered or married couples, they still love each […]

How to recognize the end of a relationship

The period following a breakup can be one of the most difficult times, especially if the breakup comes out of the blue. However, careful observation of one\’s partner\’s behavior can help identify problems early and lead to solutions. Always disagree […]

What is love?

What comes to mind when someone says love? In most cases, the answer would be a partner. But for certain people, it may be a dog, food, a cat, a horse, or many other things. But do you remember your […]

Don\’t despair. Your destiny will come! Perhaps each of us has fallen in love with the wrong person. We all know the feeling of falling in love unhappily and hoping to be together someday. But this uncertainty is very depressing, […]

How do you know it is correct?

You will know it very easily. Are you interested in your partner or how was your day? If you feel bad, will he bring an orange net? Or does his behavior make you feel like he doesn\’t care about you? […]

Is love the meaning of life?What is love? How you answer this question depends on who you are. If you are a believer, you will answer that love is a wonderful gift from God. If you are new and happy […]