Even our grandmothers passed down a lot of advice on how to keep hair healthy, how to increase hair density, and how to increase hair shine. Some of the advice is of little use now, but with the importation of foreign products, our options have expanded considerably.
So here are some tips from both sides.
–Oil Wraps. Olive oil is a treasure among nutritional supplements. All you need is just a little. Rub it carefully into the hair, especially the skin, and massage lightly. Cover with plastic wrap (a microthene bag or tote bag will work), wrap in a towelette, and leave for 20 minutes to warm and absorb. Then wash hair in the usual way.
– Shiny hair?
It couldn\’t be easier. After washing, pour 1:1 diluted apple cider vinegar over hair. Do not rinse. Your hair will smell unique, too. You can use regular vinegar or wine vinegar, but dilute it a bit more.
– You can also make a reallynourishing wrapwith egg yolks and honey. Depending on the amount of hair, mix one egg yolk with half a teaspoon of honey or two or three egg yolks with a heaping teaspoon of honey. Rub into hair and wrap again with microthene and a towel; 10 minutes should be sufficient. Again, it is advisable to wash the hair afterwards.
-Dandruffor lice suspected? Tea tree oil may help. Tea tree oil is usually expensive, but it is advisable to choose carefully and buy the original. A drop in your regular shampoo is sufficient and should be left for 25 minutes before rinsing. It is recommended to repeat several times during the next regular wash of hair, not immediately.
– For de-dandruff, dyeing the hair is also effective.
Of course, there are many other options. For example, decoctions of calendula, burdock, birch, and nettle. These herbal preparations are labor intensive but effective. If you make your own, you can be sure that the decoction or infusion contains sufficient nutrients and medicinal properties. [Beautiful hair is worth a little effort and care.