Can\’t find important changes made in 2016 that affect entrepreneurs and sole proprietors? We have listed here some of the most interesting and important …

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Average Wages and Advances

This year a new average wage of SEK 27,006 began to apply. This amount also affects the amount of the minimum deposit for health and social insurance. Therefore, the minimum deposit for social insurance will be increased to CZK 1,972 for the main activity next year. For secondary activities, it will be changed to CZK 789. The minimum deposit for health insurance will therefore be increased to CZK 1,823 per month. The minimum health insurance premium for self-employed persons will remain at CZK 115.

Minimum wage
Entrepreneurs who already have employees should be aware that the minimum wage has changed. The monthly minimum wage has been increased to CZK 9,900,- and the hourly minimum wage has been increased to CZK 58,70,-.
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Discounts for the second child
In 2016, the tax incentive for the second and subsequent children was also increased. For the third and subsequent children, not only is the discount increased by SEK 100, but it is also increased by an additional SEK 300 to SEK 1,717.- per month. For the first child, the discount remains the same: 1,117 kronor per month. Of course, if you are an entrepreneur, you can only claim the discount when you file your tax return in spring 2017.


Speaking of children, it is worth knowing that the so-called tax credit for tuition has been increased. The maximum amount that can be claimed is the equivalent of the minimum wage, which is 9,900 CZK per year.
However, amendments to the Law on Children\’s Groups have made it possible to operate preschools outside the regime of the Education Law and trade business. Thus, it is clear that those outside the framework of such laws cannot claim discounts.

The Biggest News for VAT Payers [27].
The biggest news for VAT payers is the requirement to file a VAT control report. Legal entities must submit this report every calendar month. Natural persons must submit their tax returns by the due date, or every three months for quarterly taxpayers.

More News Briefs [30].
– Mandatory Electronic Filing of Tax Returns by Self-Employed Data Boxes [31].
– Expansion of retirement benefits [32
– Increase in meal allowance for overseas business trips [33